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After running five successful editions of the Changing Faces Competition it became apparent that a more dedicated approach was needed to demonstrate the value in community - based public space transformation in low - income neighbourhoods.

To achieve this, 5 community based organisations were selected for the to ensure that their communities had safe and accessible public spaces to enjoy. By building their capacity in organisational development and targeted investment in physical space rehabilitation, the youth groups were empowered to become community champions who led transformation in their communities and brought various interests and stakeholders together to secure contested parcels of land for the greater public good.


Through the skills gained in the C2C project, the youth leaders have been catapulted to prominence within their communities and with county government, national government and foreign missions. Because of the young people’s efforts, communities that were previously deprived of safe and accessible public spaces now have green spaces that allow them to experience serenity and relaxation



Dandora Way Leave Project

Situated along a public power way leave that had once encroached upon by corrupt private interests, the C2C project transformed the field from a criminal hideout to a youth-led child-friendly public space. The community leaders engaged with the stakeholders and government representatives to get consensus on the repurposing of the field, which led to creation of the largest public space in the entire Dandora area. Out of this process, the management formed partnerships with local schools that need space for sports and recreation, helping them raise maintenance fees for the park. It was also a perfect opportunity to forge unity and stronger relationships among the community champions who were previously working separately.


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Historical Kamukunji Park

Although recognised as a national heritage site by the National Museums of Kenya, this park was abandoned by the authorities making it a dumpsite for the nearby business and residential communities, as well as a hideout for criminals. This was all until the Kamukunji Environment Conservation Champions adopted the park for transformation. Through the C2C project a child friendly space was created, eliminating road accidents on the adjacent road involving children from 2 to 0 weekly. It is now a safe haven for businesses and traders alike, increasing economic growth in the area. The park is now restored to its former glory, thanks to the C2C project.


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Korogocho Riverfront People’s Park

The Komb Green Solutions team had successfully rehabilitated a riverine public space along one side of the Korogocho-Dandora bridge. However, on the other side lay a piece of land that was contested and needed care to keep their river regeneration efforts clean. Through stakeholder meetings with the community and government representatives, consensus was built to allow the rehabilitation of this section of the river bank. Through the C2C project sections of the river that were eroded have now been reinforced with gabions to prevent further erosion.


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